Code of Ethics

The Eat Breathe Thrive Code of Ethics is intended to outline the principles of good ethical practice and professional conduct that all representatives of the Eat Breathe Thrive program commit to uphold. These standards serve to preserve the safety and wellbeing of staff, facilitators, volunteers, and participants as well as promote the mission and values of the Eat Breathe Thrive Organization.


We do not to engage in or condone discrimination of any kind. We do not refuse anyone access to our programs on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic, or marital status.

Cultural Sensitivity

We actively strive to identify and understand the diverse cultural backgrounds of all who participate in our program, as well as our own areas of bias and misunderstanding. We pursue continuing knowledge, sensitivity and skills training to support our ability to offer programs to diverse populations.

Dual Relationships

We are aware of our influential position and do not to exploit the power dynamics afforded by our position. We avoid dual relationships that are likely to impair our professional judgment or lead to exploitation, such as business ventures, romantic relationships, and professional relationships that create a conflict of interest.

Sexual Contact

We do not to engage in sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or sexual intimacy with anyone who participates in our programs. We do not offer the program to a person with whom we have had a previous sexual relationship.


We agree to respect our participants’ physical and emotional boundaries. We do not engage in physical touch unless consent is explicitly granted. We never engage in touch for personal gratification, with intent to harm, or in a way that is inappropriate. We practice sensitivity to individual variables that may affect the meaning of touch, such as gender, cultural background, and personal history.

Ethical Action

We accept personal responsibility for our actions and strive to act ethically in all situations. We do not to engage in harassment or exploitation of our participants, colleagues, or collaborators. We do not take that which does not belong to us. We speak that which is true and useful and refrain from gossip. We treat others as we wish to be treated.

Program Limitations

We are aware that the program we offer is not designed to deliver an unlimited or comprehensive range of services. We do not imply or intentionally offer it as a substitute for the treatment of any mental or physical health condition. We understand and communicate the scope and limitations of the program with clarity and kindness.

Participant Safety

We do not offer our programs to individuals for whom the program might cause undue harm. If a participant appears to be a threat to themselves or others, we take action to ensure the safety of all participants. We ask a participant to leave a program if he or she:

  •   Poses a threat to the mental, emotional, or physical well-being of self or others
  •   Engages in purging, use of laxatives/stimulants/diet pills, or self-harm of any kind
  •   Is underweight (has a body mass index of less than 18.5)
  •   Attends a session under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances
  •   Engages in or expresses an intent to engage in cutting, burning, substance abuse, misuse of medication, or suicidal behaviors

Treatment Referrals

We do not abandon or neglect participants who need a higher level of care. If we must ask a participant to leave the program, we provide references where he or she can find quality, affordable treatment. If higher levels of care are unaffordable, we seek outside counsel on quality community mental health programs.

Scope of Competence

We do not assess, test, diagnose, treat, or advise participants on physical or mental health conditions. We do not offer information beyond our level of competence, as determined by our education, training, and experience.


We do not to disclose participant confidences, including names or identities, to anyone except as mandated or permitted by law. We inform participants of the exceptions to confidentiality; such as child abuse reporting, elder and dependent adult abuse reporting, when an authorization is obtained in writing, and situations in which an individual is a danger to oneself or others. We obtain an explicit commitment to confidentiality from everyone in our programs.

Responsibility to Colleagues

We treat and communicate with and about colleagues and collaborators with courtesy, fairness, and respect. We cooperate with fellow facilitators in order to promote the welfare and best interests of all our participants. We notify the Eat Breathe Thrive organization if we are concerned that a colleague may be impaired due to substance abuse, emotional problems, or mental illness.