This seven-week course will help you learn skills to eat mindfully, build resilience, and feel better in your body.

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This course combines yoga, experiential activities, peer support to help you improve your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

Eat Mindfully

Explore meditations to help you tap into hunger and fullness signals and build a healthy relationship with food.


Explore Yoga

Discover yoga practices that support body awareness, emotional wellbeing, and physical vitality.

Cutting-edge tools

Build Resilience

Learn research-backed tools from neuroscience, psychology and movement science to help you cope with anxiety, lift depression, and generate positive states of mind.


learn practices backed by science.

Participate in a program that has been backed by research and helped thousands of people make lasting positive changes in their lives.


Overview of the Course

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • The biological, psychological, and sociocultural causes of eating disorders and mental health challenges

    • Three key variables that have been shown to help people sustain recovery from mental health challenges

    • How to understand your own experience with these challenges and foster connection with others in your group

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • Why negative feelings about our body are so pervasive, and what it takes to truly feel comfortable in your own skin

    • How to break free from negative pressures from media, industry, and loved ones about how your body “should” look

    • Positive ways to inhabit your body and nourish yourself in a yoga and meditation practice

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • How to eat, exercise, and make lifestyle changes to support your unique physical and mental health needs

    • Tools to help you balance the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and creative dimensions of your health

    • Ways to practice functional movement and self-care in a yoga and meditation practice

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • How to experience your body as a vehicle for greater connection with yourself and others

    • Practices to deepen your capacity for intimacy and cultivate meaningful, lasting relationships with others

    • Ways to connect more deeply with yourself through a yoga and mindfulness practice

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • What interoception is, why it matters, and how disordered eating can interfere with the body’s natural communication system

    • Ways to distinguish between emotional and physical hunger and more clearly understand your body’s unique needs

    • Embodied practices to help you recognize hunger, fullness, and big emotions

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • How the nervous system is involved in anxiety and depression

    • The transformative effects of yoga and meditation on the nervous system

    • Tools to shift the state of your nervous system in any given moment

    • Embodied practices to stimulate the vagus nerve and relaxation response

  • In this session, you will learn:

    • Complete a service project together for the benefit of your community

    • Celebrate the conclusion of your course together


Is this Course Right for Me?

The Eat Breathe Thrive Seven-Week Series is for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with food, body image, and overall mental health.

We welcome people of all genders and gender identities, of all shapes and sizes, from all countries and ethnic backgrounds, and we strive to never turn away anyone because of lack of funds.

If you are in recovery from an eating disorder, we recommend you wait to take this course until you are in a solid place in your recovery. The course touches on topics around eating, mental health, trauma, and intimate relationships, and if you are still finding your footing in recovery these conversations can sometimes be more destabilizing than supportive, especially in a group setting. If you’re early or at a less stable place in your recovery journey, please consider our Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery course instead. If you are unsure, please speak with your treatment team.