The Science on Yoga and Eating Disorders


The yoga tradition is chock full of tools and practices for students dealing with eating disorder challenges, but it’s not immediately clear which elements will help!

Yoga has become a widely-used adjunct intervention in the treatment of eating disorders, but very few yoga teachers understand the science behind why and how yoga is so effective in prevention and recovery. In this inspiring conversation, Chelsea Roff and Dr. Catherine Cook-Cottone discuss how recent advances in yoga research can inform and enhance your teaching and prepare you to better support clients with eating disorders.

Catherine Cook-Cottone, PhD, C-IAYT is both a psychologist and research specializing in the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. She volunteered her time to help us better understand the roles yoga and embodiment in prevention and recovery

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Diversity and Access: What research tells us about who gets eating disorders and which populations are least likely to have access to good treatment
  • Mechanisms of Action: How and why yoga works, plus best practices for yoga as an eating disorder intervention
  • Teaching Tips: Guidelines to create safer yoga spaces through cueing and clinical referrals